No. 18: This Time in My Life
No. 18: This Time in My Life
December 2022 ||10"H x 10" W || Acrylic on Canvas
This entry in my gratitude list came at a time when life was turning out exactly as I hoped it would - there are seasons of abundance, and I love celebrating those.
Color-wise, this piece consists of cool greens and a warm cream. It is finished with a high-gloss varnish, so it looks sleek & shiny. The dark color is a rich, deep green - it just photographed darker so it looks almost black.
Each piece in the contentment collection is stamped with an item pulled from gratitude lists in my journals, which I've been writing consistently for ten years now. They are meant to be mix & matched so you can choose the colors and phrases that speak to you. I hope when you look at them, they serve as a reminder to practice gratitude.